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alive: dreams.

i chose this word as my theme for april. as i reflect on the month, and transition to may, i want to store these april thoughts and dreams.

(written on a late-night bus ride)

i can't forget how sisi said the moment isn't the same when you're trying to capture it.

i want to leave texts unread for hours and days because i'm so busy living life.

for people to have my full attention.

& my journal to be longer than my camera roll.


i want to fall in love

with life

with letting the sun bathe my face

with my crazy hair

with the feeling of sheets on my legs after i shower

with airplanes in the sky i know God sends for me

with music that puts a pep in my step

with walks that keep me grounded

with the wonder of being in water

with books that make me cry

with learning new things

with bad days so long and hard

with making someone smile

with growing into a version of myself that i want to be friends with

with learning how to truly love

with really listening

with beautiful things. mundane things. boring things

with contentment

and with dreams

with waking up not to do,

but to be.

what makes you feel alive?


kate ♡

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