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a precious thing: vulnerability.

opening up... is scary.

even for me, a girl who will literally talk about pretty much anything (if you ask). as i've been starting the blog, i've been thinking how part of me wants to tell everyone i have a blog, but at the same time, thinking that makes me want to hide far, far away. :P realizing this has made me recognize i'm in a place where fear can block vulnerability.

so what's so precious about vulnerability ?

my favorite blogs, youtubers, authors, creators, etc, are ones who share deep stuff. i love deep talk: it validates my experiences, emotions, and the way i think. i feel it's crucial for everyone to have people that validate them.

also... fear. something i imagine i'll be writing numerous posts about in the future. it's been at the forefront of my thoughts lately. but i believe when we choose to be vulnerable, despite our fear, we open a space for others to do the same.

so think about it... when was the last time you were vulnerable? there's no shame in keeping things private. however, i consider vulnerability to be a golden form of love. it's enabling, eye-opening, and intimate. there's a certain purely to it that i feel our society needs more of.

to clarify: i'm not saying you need to overshare or disregard your personal boundaries. words, experiences, and emotions are valuable and should be honored. maybe... just become aware of vulnerability: where it appears in others, and how you can be intentional with it personally. i'm working on that with this blog.

the more i ponder the significance of it, the thought is reoccurring:

it's a beautiful, precious thing.

that's all i have for today. hope those thoughts lift you.

xo, kate :)

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