since i turned eighteen on friday, i’ve been thinking about all i’ve learned in this last year of life. here are seventeen things i learned being seventeen :)
{ 1 } if they wanted to, they would.
don’t pour energy into people for their potential. be real with what their actions are. you are worth the effort, and you’ll find people who will gladly drive far to see you, ask to hang out with you in real life, plan big birthday things, and remember your schedule. if they don’t, just know there is someone who will. don’t settle for less. keep trusting that people will come along who treat you like you deserve to be loved. and that is the prerec to lesson two...
{ 2 } let people go.
i definitely learned that sometimes it’s better to part ways, to stop talking, to stop trying. don’t stop being kind, but remember that sometimes the kindest thing to do is give space. this was so hard for me to learn y’all. it’s tough!! temporary people teach us permanent lessons. no love is wasted. keep loving. and remember that some people we aren’t meant to hold on to forever. if they’re not trying, then let go.
{ 3 } go on walks EVERY DAY NO EXCUSES.
this seriously gets me through the winter and school. i wish i kept it up during the summer too. live outside y’all. nature is sometimes uncomfortable but so kind, beautiful and full of peace. it’s worth it. every time.
{ 4 } seasons come and go.
soak up the highs. hold your hands over your heart and sigh a breath of happiness. write it all in your journal. storms are so hard. but trust that they will end. everyone has their storms. life is constantly changing. it’s a challenge but it’s also a blessing <3
{ 5 } stop texting people.
i want to write a whole post on this... but for now the simple lesson is that texting is so strange and fake and empty. it’s confusing and not worth it. send voice messages. call. hang out. i know it’s a struggle. but if they want to, they will :) don’t let yourself accept anything less because it’s gonna come back and hurt your heart.
{ 6 } overcommunicate with guys always.
especially when trying to have guy friends it gets messy so fast which i think is such a shame!! i’ve been working on communicating more and i’m very flawed but i’m gonna keep working on it! good friendships and relationships happen because of talking about the uncomfy stuff. just do it, sooner than later!! with girls, friends, and fam too!
{ 7 } christian r&b >>
i love music and this year i’ve discovered christian r&b! it’s chill it’s hype it’s praise and i love it. it’s brought me closer to God, it’s given me really good energy, and it’s an amazing alternative to pop music. i love worshipping God through song and i love knowing that i agree with what i’m listening to! it aligns :) don’t underestimate the power music has over you! use it for good :)) keep an eye out for my playlist in a post soon.
{ 8 } emotional health !!!!!!!
like i talked out in part five of the series, emotions are so undertaught and very important. drop into your body, give yourself time to feel, don’t explain everything instantly. feeling big emotions is so healing. i cried more this year that i have in my entire life, and i feel more grounded and true to myself that i ever have. a gift. life is meant to be felt, not run away from <3
{ 9 } pray for your friends !
there is literal POWER in prayer, and we don’t use it enough. God is always working, but many blessings are conditional upon us asking! so ask! for big blessings, for specific struggles, for people by name. sometimes we feel powerless to help people we worry about. this is how. pray for them. ask them what to pray for them about. and then remember. pray for them every day, at least once. ask your friends to pray for you. what a beautiful thing!! 🤎
{ 10 } job shadow!
i wish there was more time carved out for this in high school. i’m super grateful i got to spend a class period at the elementary schools this year and last year. it’s been a big blessing to have experience in the classroom, and has confirmed that i want to teach!! if you’re unsure of career options, get out there! ask around! talk to people about their jobs. ask to shadow. it’s a very normal thing and people are happy to help. the more exposure, the more clarity :)
{ 11 } spend time in the Word.
it’s one of the things i spent the most time on this year, and it’s transformed my relationship with God so much. there are no other books that are living like scripture is. pray and let God teach you. bring your struggles, your questions, your pain. He’s got you. what a gift. work and pray to be stronger than procrastination and distraction. you won’t regret it.
{ 12 } your struggles are timed to help other people with theirs.
this has become clear to me over and over this year. some of my biggest challenges happened before a few of my close friends went through breakups and it just is crazy how my experiences gave me the fresh empathy and understanding to really be there for them. God has perfect timing guys. i know it’s hard to grasp but it’s real. when you’re like “why me, why now?” remember that He will use your suffering for the healing and empowerment of yourself and others. there is always purpose in pain, and some of that is for others. hold on to that.
{ 13 } maybe God is leaving you lonely in this season because He needs you to go to Him first and not make other people your gods.
emy said this the other day on her podcast ep with ally yost and wowwww it really put into words what i’ve been learning all of high school. definitely give it a listen, it’s so good. His plan is pertfect y’all. keep leaning into that. His love will feel every hole. don’t try to fill it with other things and other people. fill it with Him. maybe that sounds crazy, but just try it. let me know how it goes.
{ 14 } get off your phone girl.
silence notifications, mute people, airplane mode, power off, leave it in the car. real life is so much more interesting and peaceful. our phones aren’t bad, but life is so much better!!! you’ll never regret locking your phone in a cabinet. it’s worth it :)
{ 15 } know how you process and give yourself time to process every day !
i talked about this in part five of the series & it’s definitely something i learned this year. i’ll be so tired but then i can’t sleep. guess why. i didn’t process the day. the thoughts. the feels. i am definitely a verbal processor so i love yapping with people, and when there’s not one to listen i talk to myself! seriously such a genius hack in my opinion:) no fr it’s such a comforting thing. try it. if it’s too uncomfortable, i would bet you need to work on your relationship with yourself :o i also journal and pray! find what works for you in this season. don’t let a million things live in your head at night. get them out.
{ 16 } you are capable!
talk to yourself like you believe in yourself & comfort yourself. self talk is everything and there will be a post on that soon! the way you treat yourself will change how much you can accomplish, how gently you can feel big emotions, how deeply you can love others. you can coach yourself through physical pain, mental mess, and emotional weight. don’t do it alone, talk to people and ask for help. pray. but also help yourself out! you have the ability to love yourself. use it fully! it will bless yourself and others! treat yourself like you would your best friend or your boyfriend. you deserve nothing less than that! i know it’s hard but work on it each day and the love will come, and it will pay off, and you’ll feel confident and secure.
{ 17} be honest with yourself.
about how people make you feel, about your emotions, about how you need to rest and do less. i think we lie to ourselves way more than anyone else, which is so pointless. be real. when you’re honest with yourself, you can love yourself like i said in the last point. you can be honest with others. why weigh yourself down with lies when you can just learn to be okay with the truth. give yourself grace girl. you are doing amazing & no one expects you to be perfect ever. so don’t expect that of yourself. 🤎
thanks for reading! as you can tell, it’s been a hard year but truly so good because i’ve learned a TON (this is only the highlights :) and i just feel myself growing every day. i hope these lessons help open your eyes, giving you encouragement and validation.
on to eighteen! so exciting, i can get a credit card and venmo and do boring adult things :) but no for real i’m so excited for this year. hopefully the cacoon stage will become the butterfly beauty :))
as always but especially after reflecting on this year and all i’ve learned, i’m so very in awe of God and His goodness! praise the Lord and the peace He’s given me this year. that’s not something i listed (i ran out of years) but truly a gift He gave me again & again this year. peace is a blessing. praise God for a year of life, a year of miracles, & a year of His love. all glory to God 💖
see you all next week for part one of my gift guide with my friend pearl !! we are sharing all the best very affordable (& free) gift ideas! get hyped :)
love you all! thanks for making seventeen so good. xo, kate
p.s. i have a new podcast ep out!! listen here
pss i love love love comments!! they make me so happy! leave your name please so i know who you are :) thanks all <33
I’ve felt so much of this in recent years!! Friends can be so rough, but you have the best tips 💜
cheers to eighteen 🥂