sometimes life feels seesaw:
i’m down and you’re up,
and then a few months later
i’m on a high looking down,
helping you believe
during your low.
that there’s both sides
to life:
they switch back and forth,
for all of us.
to be grateful for my highs,
and to let you know that
God is faithful
in all the seasons.
the high
the low
the in between.
He will never
let you fall off
the seesaw.
this is something i've been pondering about a lot lately--how for a while i felt like i was looking up and seeing all my friends enjoying their good seasons while i was having a hard one myself, but now, it's seems like i've swapped places with a lot of my friends and am now encouraging them during their hard seasons. it's a good reminder that every single person has their ups and downs and if not now, the hard seasons will come. no one is immune and it's just so good to keep in mind when you want to be jealous or judge. but also that God is with us in every season, the good ones and the hard ones. He is constant when everything else is in flux. this is so comforting to me and i hope it is for you as well.
sending all my love! i will be back with another post for you all soon!
xo, kate
Beautiful, Kate. One thing I have learned without doubt this past year in my temple service is that God is aware of each of His beloved children. He loves us, individually, and wants to hear from each of us and gives us answers, in good times and bad. Thanks for sharing your insights and talents to lift others up. Love you, my girl.
So true! God is spreading truth and hope through you, Kate! I had a similar revelation a few months ago and once I realized He is there in my highs and lows it made the low side of the seesaw much more bearable because I knew there would be another high. 💜